Called to Adventure

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith & in purity. - 1 Tim 4:12

A Heart for the Young at Heart!

We believe Youth should not be sectioned off into the “Youth Ministry Silo”. We encourage our Teens to participate fully in the life of all the programs, activities within the Church and even serve on Leadership Teams -that in the past have been championed by only adults. Scripture is clear - The younger generation are to also lead and set examples (1 Tim 4:12). They are not just the “Church of the Future,” they are a part of the Church of TODAY.

We have quarter Youth Specific Events & Activities for our teens but mostly we love having them join and find their place leading & serving in the Church!

Kalama Nazarene Supports our Graduates!

Baccalaureate will be on Wednesday, June 4th starting at 7:00pm.