Make a donation

If you choose by card or account you may select from the options below. know that if you pay through there is a minimum 3.3% fee that the church covers and that you have an option of how to make sure the fee is covered by the church.

We will consider your giving a Tithe unless you specify in the “Notes” section you are giving an Offering to a specific

Thank you for your donation.

Thank you for giving

Why we Give

Giving a posture of our hearts. When we find ourselves filled with gratitude for what we have, and a cheerful spirit to want to bless others; we are called to give.  This has nothing to do with how much we have. It has to do with being grateful for what we have.  Even if it is a little.

Giving also positions us to have a measure of faith. When we give back to God we trust He will give again and continue to provide what we need. When we let go of the things we want, He has a way of covering what we need

Common Questions

  • How Much is a Tithe traditionally?

    A tithe is traditionally 10% of one’s income given once a month. This tradition comes out of Genesis 14: 17-20 when Abraham gave 10% to the priest Melchizedek.

    You will receive your year-end Tax Giving Statement for your Tithes and Offerings to the church.

    The giving practice of once a month makes it manageable for both families and the church to keep a budget.

  • What does my Tithe go to?

    Your Tithe covers a multitude of things such as the basic bills of the church: utilities, kitchen supplies for meals, toilet paper, staff; and tithes are also placed into accounts to support specific ministries you enjoy such as our Children’s Ministries, MOPS, & Missions, etc.

    We also set funds aside every month from tithes into our Benevolence Fund to help families of our community having a “tight month”.

  • What is the difference between a Tithe and an Offering?

    A Tithe is the giving of your 10% given to the General Fund to cover the basic operational needs of the church and to spill into the blessing of the various Ministries. An Offering is what you want to give in addition to your 10% and can be given to the General Budget or a Ministry of your choice! An offering can be an extra measure of faith, when tithing 10% is “easy” for some.

If you prefer to give during at a Sunday Church Service, you will find we don’t stop the service to “pass the plate”. The Giving Box is located at the Antioch Coffee Bar where you can give privately. (Matthew 6: 1-4)

The Widow’s Mite - Mark 12: 41-43

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Though the Widow had less to give than the Wealthy, she gave till it hurt. She gave till it would require for her a measure of faith that God would still provide for her needs as He always has. Jesus is not saying, “put in all you have to live on financially”.  But put in as you find yourself led to give and take a measure of trust and faith of what God can do with what you give.  Seeing what He can do becomes such a blessing in our own lives!  God can do a lot with our little!

Giving is an invitation to be a part of what God wants to do in your life and impact others’ lives.