If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son washes away all our sin. - 1 John 1: 7

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Our Sermons will be posted here for future Sermon Series for those who do not have Facebook.

Coming Sermon Series

Join us for the Lent season leading to Easter!

We will be exploring the Lent Season of Jesus’ final week leading to the cross with our foundational spin of the Book of Hebrews!

Come connect with your Savior and those also drawing near.

The Book of Hebrews

Joins us as “unbox” the Book of Hebrews, chapter by chapter!

This letter to the Hebrews is a challenging book of how to live out your faith in the climate of culture and being open to what Jesus wants to do with you and what He has done for you!