If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son washes away all our sin. - 1 John 1: 7
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You can join us on Facebook Live on Sunday Mornings at 10:45 am or even binge-watch sermon series during the week. Just click the Facebook link below in the footer!
Soon to Come
Our Sermons will be posted here for future Sermon Series for those who do not have Facebook.
Coming Sermon Series
Celebrating Jesus moving in Ecuador!
Our Ecuador Team is back from serving with YoungLife in Ecuador and are excited to share how God has opened their eyes, the experiences they had, how they served and of the people we newly treasure!
Call Stories… Part 1
How is God Calling to you,
Inviting you,
and Equipping you
to join in His best
for your life?
Come recognize His voice!